Permie News

Recently we held a committee meeting. The full committee couldn’t make it, but 5 of us got together and had a lunch and meeting, which was a fun way to do it. We discussed many things, which we’ll follow up on with the wider group at the next Art Gallery Meeting on Monday the 2nd October.

We have been talking about getting a banner for when we hold stalls or other gatherings. This is still in progress but should be finalised soon. It will be able to be tied to a table. It would be very useful for things like the Off Grid Expo, which we were involved in last month. However, it was decided that we won’t go to Goomeri next year for it as it’s too much travelling and we’d prefer to do something closer to home.

We had quite a bit of discussion on possible ideas for fundraising and one idea that is worth further discussion with the wider group is to hold a seasonal seed and plant stall. Group members would plant a few extra seedlings or cuttings each month and donate them to the group to sell. Guest speakers, demonstrations or other permaculture related activities could be included. Venue suggested was the Community Gardens, so this needs to be explored more with them as well as our group. We would need volunteers to help with this venture if it went ahead.

Then, what do we do with the funds that we raise? Some suggestions were to pay for guest speakers, marquee, seed raising mix, compost etc etc. Or we could donate it to organisations that we’d like to support, and of course share with the Community Gardens. It would be good to support and encourage more people to be involved in permaculture.

The group has been the recipient of some chook plucking gear – a plucker, urn for heating water and a chiller to chill the chickens. We are still finalising the hire contract, as we will need to take a deposit and will charge a small fee to use the gear to fund any repairs and maintenance required. If you’re interested, please contact us and we’ll move things along.

The topic of membership fees came up. At the moment if you come along to a meeting and you sign in and pay your $2, you are a member. We would like to charge a one off yearly fee and then only non members would have to pay this $2 fee. We most likely won’t start this until January so if you have any thought’s on this, it would be great to hear them.

Lucy will be hosting a farm visit in October out at Langshaw. Please keep an eye on the Events page and emails for more details. Veggie gardens and Food Forrest development, along with NSF contour, tree planting, syntropic planting and more to be discussed.

Are you using our website yet? What do we need to do to encourage more use? It’s a great place to ask a question, share some information or simply show and tell some garden photos. There are forums with particular topics to get you started. Let’s get a conversation started!

Basically this blog post has been our meeting minutes, which is one way of getting the information from the committee to you, the wider group. If you have any thoughts on this please comment or contact us.

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