
Information on how to use the Gympie Permaculture website.


Though some content is visible to the public without logging in, to message other users, and to participate in the discussion forums and groups you will need to register, registration is a simple process requiring an email address and a user name, plus some information of your interests your willing to share – this you can always update at any time at your user page, along with updating your email address or changing your password.

Change your password

First go to your member page, log in and click on your username or profile picture at the top right of the site. Once there, you will see a list of options on the left, the bottom most, “Settings” is where you can change your email address and update your password.

Discussion forums

The forums are where discussions under various topics take place amongst our members.

Forums can be subscribed to to receive email notifications of new posts, and also topics within a forum can be subscribed to. Use the “Subscribe” link at the top right of the forum or topic page you would like to subscribe to. If you create a new topic, there is a checkbox option to be notified of replies you can select when posting.

Social site functions

There is a social side to the site which can be used to let everyone know what you’re up to similar to posting to facebook, though here it is only visible to logged in users. You can also send private messages to other users or groups of users. Registered users can interact with other users similar to other social platforms like facebook, for example by commenting and liking other posts. There is an activity feed at which lists the most recent user activities, and also includes activities on the forum.


There is an events calendar where upcoming events can be found, if you would like to add an event, let the events coordinators know at [email protected].


Within the Gympie permaculture community are a number of groups which have their own space on the site:


All the social side to the site, your posts, photos you upload, profile and other information is only visible to logged in users, and will not be indexed by search engines such as google.

Also forum post images are not visible to non-logged in users or search engines.

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