Gympie Permaculture AGM

We recently held the AGM for the group. We had planned a nice, relaxed potluck dinner, followed by the AGM and election of new office bearers. Unfortunately, there was a little hiccup with not having a key to the meeting room, but the good part was that it didn’t rain so we managed to eat our shared (and delicious) meal outside before starting the AGM.

It was a little bit disorganised, but that’s the way life goes sometimes, and we just need to be prepared to ride the waves of uncertainty in all aspects of our life.

A new committee was formed, with at least one new committee member and a little shuffling of chairs.

Convenor (and Assistant Treasurer): Renee Eliott

Assistant Convenor: Jennifer Hollingworth

Secretary: Lucy House

Treasurer: Regula Waser

Events Co-ordinator: Wendy Strathearn

Seed Saver Co-ordinator: Serge Leroyer

Assistant Seed Saver Co-ordinator: Melinda Greenhalgh

Web Administrator: George Salisbury

Assistant Web Administrator: Serge Leroyer

Harvest Swap Co-ordinator: this wasn’t filled but Lucy House as secretary will undertake notifications and reminders of the harvest swap events.

Assistant Harvest Swap Co-ordinator: Lissa Spencer

Ordinary Committee Members: Nicholas Fosbery (Foz) and Lissa Spencer

We discussed a few things, and the minutes should be available on the website soon.

While you’re here on the website, have a look in the files – Anne has left some great info about what to do in July in the garden.

The focus for the committee for the short term will be to get this website up and running and hopefully start getting some traffic and therefore interaction with forums. If you would like to post a question or other information, please send it to us and we’ll make sure it gets posted. Until we get the “contact us” form sorted, please email me at: [email protected]

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