Group Meeting – July 2024

Our committee meeting was held before the group meeting. Some of the discussion points of interest were:

  1. We will go ahead with the Off Grid Expo in August, even though it was hard to get volunteers to help with the previous stalls. We did eventually get some helpers. We will also need some people to pot up some seedlings to sell. Please contact Lucy if you have some and she’ll organise to get them.
  2. The sustainable futures festival went quite well, and people seemed interested in the group and the plants and seeds. Naomi’s feedback on the plant stall – we need information on the plants that we’re selling. Lemon grass or lemon balm would sell well.
  3. We’ll hold a Seed Saver Workshop at Serge’s place after the next seed saver meeting (last Monday of the month). Shane Simonsen will assist Serge as Facilitator.
  4. AGM will be held in August at the regular meeting (1st Monday of the Month). All positions will be declared vacant. If you would like to be on the committee or nominate someone else, please contact Lucy.

There was quite a good number of people who braved a drizzly, cool night to come along to the meeting. Plenty of plants and veg at the harvest swap too!

Lani has plenty of cassava if anyone wants cuttings. She is also going to share a chocolate cake recipe made with arrowroot. As soon as I receive it, I’ll post it on the website.

Lucy has been busy as she’s had some wwoofers helping to get some jobs done, mostly in the garden and preserving in the kitchen. Recently made saucisson (french style dry aged salami) which is hanging under the house. The syntropic row got mulched (reset) and more fruit trees planted out.

Narayana always has plenty to discuss and tonight was no different. She’s been busy focussing on structures at the Old School House. She has a strange variety of tomato – perhaps she should post a photo on the website and we can see if we can help her with it. Concerned about her cassava yellowing – normal for this time of year. What to do about sweet potato – chop and drop or transplant or just leave it to continue? Leaving it or planting in the same spot, will reduce the amount of tubers over time as it weakens the plant. Cut them off and when they re-shoot, dig up those slips and transplant somewhere else.

Foz did a plant profile. Galinsoga parviflora, which you can read here: Tasty when cooked, although you can eat it raw, it is bland. Can also dry it and add it to soups and stews. Hasn’t done his cassava yet, yakon is dug up. Yacon tuber storage – use a foam box and cover with damp sand. This keeps them moist and prevents drying out. Use as a salad addition or cook like a potato. The brown tuber is eaten and the reddish rhizomes are used to plant again.

George is doing well with his brassicas.

Jane is harvesting mandarins, macadamias, chillis and warrigal greens. Her Paw Paws in the good red soil are doing well, but one in the old soil is not so good and showing signs of blackspot. Paw Paws are hungry and so have high nutritional requirements. Liquid fertiliser called profert is good to use. Keep the soil mulched so that the spores don’t splash up.

Serge now has two baby goats to keep for milkers eventually.

Des is mulching as usual! He’s also bought a chainsaw and keen to use it. He’s a very accomplished artist and is involved in the Gympie Art Trail. He’s having his open weekend on the 13/14 July. Read more here by clicking on Des Spencers name.

Lissa had a question about when to pick her cauliflower – does she wait for it to get large? Pick when the head forms. If you leave it too long, it may start shooting. She’s processed her turmeric – dug, cleaned, boiled and dried. She has pulled out her bitter gourd, however Des has a very good tonic that he makes so if I get the recipe, I’ll post it on the website. Lissa (and me too) wants to know how to get a glut of zucchinis? Yes, not everyone can grow them! Suggestions – get rid of the bottom leaves as they grow. Mulch and keep a layer between the plant and the ground. Spray with a raw milk solution if you get mildew.

Willem had a question about applying fowl manure. Safer to compost it first. 1 part chook manure to 9 parts mulch or sawdust makes a safe mulch. He also had a question about black spot on Paw Paws – another suggestion was to boil up used coffee beans and spray this on the tree.

Ellie is also involved in the Art Trail and her lead light studio will be open every weekend in July. Her studio is called Graceful Glass Studio and more details can be found here:

Rhonda has been harvesting sweet potatoes, so she has succeeded where many seem to have failed this year!

Florence was singing the praises of the African Horned Cucumber. She juices it and has been influenced by Dr Brook Goldner.

Eyre has been chipping black wattle and uses his mower to chip smaller plants by mowing over and catching in his mower catcher.

Jim and Renee have had someone helping them so the garden is doing better. Renee has found that the salad mallow pods (green) are good to eat.

So, once again, an informative and active discussion on all things to do with living a permaculture lifestyle. If you have some questions that you need answered, bring them along to our next meeting. We plan to have our round table discussion after the AGM on the 5th August. The Off Grid Expo is on the weekend before that – 3rd and 4th August.

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