Natural seed pots Vs plastic pots

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    • #770
      Lucy House

      Roughly two months ago I planted out some tomato seeds into black plastic trays. Then last month I made some arrowroot leaf pots to plant seeds for the off grid expo. I was worried that seeds would be too slow, so I transplanted little tomato plants from my black trays into the arrowroot trays. They have zoomed ahead of the plastic ones and are about twice the size and very healthy looking. I’ll be planting the plastic ones out tomorrow as I’m worried they’ll die on me!! I think I’m converted to the natural seedling pots – now just need to plan ahead to make some before planting time. Although that time is now!! I was hoping to include a photo, but not sure I can.

    • #771

      Hi Lucy, great tip! Would love to see a photo of how you made them. Thanks, jess

    • #772
      Lucy House

      Unfortunately my photo didn’t upload here. So I’ll have to check with our tech dept to see what I’m doing wrong. However if you look for me on instagram, I’ve just posted a video of making them. @healthyfarminghealthyfood if you have Insta.

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