Looking for a passiflora incarnata plant or cutting (not passionfruit)

Welcome Forums Buy swap sell Looking for a passiflora incarnata plant or cutting (not passionfruit)

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    • #1280

      Passiflora incarnata makes passionfruit like flowers and when harvested, dried and taken internally is really a good sedative. I’m currently taking a powder at night with magnesium and this flower in it and it’s great. A friend of mine who passed away used to dry his own passiflora flowers and gave me some and it worked really well on me, as I often don’t get off to sleep very well.

      SO…if you have some to sell, trade or give away, please get in touch.


    • #1323
      Lucy House

      I’m comment here because Anne Gibson has tried and failed so I’m checking. But also Narayana got some cuttings and has successfully grown and shared some of these. So if anyone wants any cuttings please comment.

    • #1326
      Anne Gibson

      I too have had great sleep benefits from taking Passion flower (Passiflora incarnata) supplements. It can be purchased currently as a plant (50mm tube stock) from All Rare Herbs for those interested. Mudbrick Herb Cottage also has some stock available Nov-March.


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