Excess Ginger Beer Mother recipes

Welcome Forums Food preserving and recipes Excess Ginger Beer Mother recipes

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    • #974

      Hi, I’m brewing Natural Ginger beer and are looking for recipes to use the excess Mother

    • #976
      Lucy House

      I have had a couple of goes at ginger beer and failed both times. But I do follow a facebook page called Bush Edge Homesteading Australia and she also has a you tube channel. She does a lot of different soda’s with her bug, so worth looking up on either of those platforms. What’s your method for making the ginger bug?

    • #979

      Home deyrated ginger powder with yesst and sugar/ honey combo. I do want to try the fresh ginger version. Might be quicker without the dehydration step. I will see if I can find that Aussie homesteading site on YouTube

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