November Seasonal Gardening Tips

November Seasonal Gardening Tips

After weeks of hot dry and windy conditions, November hopefully will bring some rain relief. See climate outlooks – BOM video, temperature summary and rainfall summary. Water management is becoming a major factor in deciding what, how and when to grow, especially for those of us on tank water. The forecast (IF it’s correct haha) shows we have a chance of rain or a storm in the next week or so.

There are some plants in my garden that are more resilient and coping better with the heat and limited water. Cherry tomatoes are always amazing. We’ve harvested kilos of them the past few weeks. Lots of tomato sauce and tomato based meals in the freezer! Basil, zucchini, pumpkins, spring onions, garlic chives, sage, rosemary, oregano and cosmos seem to shrug off the conditions even with limited water in my garden. The spinach varieties that I notice cope well are Suranim, Brazilian, Sambung, Okinawa, Malabar/Ceylon and Perpetual Spinach. It’s time to add Sorrel, Baby Asian greens, Mizuna, perennial rocket and herbs to salads if your lettuce bolts. My cucumbers are doing well under 50% shade cloth. Capsicums and eggplant enjoy the heat but also appreciate shade relief up to 50%. I always bag the fruit as fruit fly is common at this time of year.

In the attached PDF, I share some seasonal growing tips for our local climate, what to plant, a few issues to consider and garden tasks for this time of year. I hope you find it helpful. Dig in!

Happy gardening, Anne

The Micro Gardener

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