AGM Minutes_2_Minutes 3.7.2023

AGM Minutes_2_Minutes 3.7.2023

Gympie Permaculture – ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM).

Held on 3rd July, 2023 at Art Gallery Meeting Room, 39 Nash Street, Gympie, Qld 4570.

Attendees (from sign in list):     

Liana Roberts (Lani)               Renee Elliott        Jim Peterson        Regula Waser       Pete Menlo

Serge and Maria Leroyer       Lissa Spencer       Naomi Cook         Lucy House           Oriole Morgan

Nicholas Fosbery (Foz)          Joy Macleod         George Salisbury Kerrie Walker       Dr Jane Little

Roxie Luck                               William Abrie       Wendy Griffey     Damien and Marie-Claire Graley

Apologies: Melinda Greenhaigh, Jennifer Hollingworth

Serge was asked to chair the meeting and checked that everyone present had signed in.

Meeting opened by Serge Leroyer at 6.15pm.

Convenors Report – Jennifer had emailed this through, and it was read by Lucy House

Hello to Everyone
I hope this finds you all well.
The group has been successfully meeting and growing for many years and this year marks the first year of operation for the committee as it stands today.
AGM,s give a group the chance at a set time to reflect on our ups and downs, our achievements in the past, and to formulate new ideas and strategies for the future.
It has been a pleasure to be associated with the committee and the wider group who show such diversity, commitment and passion.
Can’t wait to see what the next year will bring with the collective effort from us all.
I wish for enjoyment for the night.

Treasurers Report – Renee and Regula


Meeting Fees                     $536.05

Seeds Sold                          $784.00

Bank Interest                          $0.22

Off Grid Expo Inc              $2188.67

Total Income                    $3508.94


Bank Fees                                  $4.00

Off Grid Expo exp               $580.55

Venue Hire                           $222.30

Insurance                              $216.41

Total Expenses                 $1023.26

Opening Balance of Bank Account at 1 July 2022                $1124.15

Plus Surplus/Profit                                                                       $2485.68

Closing Balance of Bank at 30 June 2023                               $3609.83

Secretaries Report – Lani

Correspondence is mostly through the email account with Wendy and hopefully this will be migrating to the WordPress site soon. Lani suggested budgeting and planning for the coming year to be a focus for the group.

Seed Savers Report – Serge

Seeds Sold                         $2632.00

Seeds Purchased              $1435.00

Materials Purchased          $368.00

Profit on Seeds                 $829.00

Banked 24.5.23                $700.00

Cash retained                    $129.00

Seed savers has had a good year. Around 1500-1600 packers of seeds in boxes and a equivalent amount in bulk packets on hand. Selling well, especially at the Mothar Mountain market – usually $70 to $100 worth sold each month.  The Seeds Savers group is working well to pack the seeds, but we need more actual seed saving being done by the group. Serge suggested a seed saving workshop. Seeds need to be heirloom seed or not hybrids to keep the seeds.

Wendy said that there was a good roll up to the last one, but no one is supplying seeds.

Regula said that Anne Gibson was happy to do more workshops and she can tailor them to our requirements.

Election of Office Bearers

Serge explained that where only one person has been nominated for a role, a vote was not required.

Convenor Renee Elliott


Lani Roberts Jim Peterson
Assistant Convenor Jennifer Hollingworth


Lani Roberts Renee Elliott


Treasurer Regula Waser


Serge Leroyer
George Salisbury
Renee Elliott
Melinda Greenhalgh
Assistant Treasurer Renee Elliott Jennifer Hollingworth


Regula Waser


Secretary Lucy House


Serge Leroyer

George Salisbury


Lani Roberts
Regula Waser
Assistant Secretary  


Events Co-ordinator Wendy Strathearn


Regula Waser Jennifer Hollingworth
Assistant Events




Seed Saver


Serge Leroyer


Serge Leroyer


Lani Roberts
Assistant Seed Saver
Melinda Greenhalgh Serge Leroyer
Regula Waser
Lani Roberts
Renee Elliott
Web Administrator George Salisbury


Serge Leroyer
Regula Waser
Lani Roberts
Jennifer Hollingworth
Assistant Web Administrator Serge Leroyer


Serge Leroyer


Lani Roberts
Harvest Swap


Lucy House to send out notifications    
Assistant Harvest Swap Co-ordinator Lissa Spencer Lucy House Serge Leroyer
Ordinary Committee Member Jennifer Hollingworth


Serge Leroyer
Lucy House


Lani Roberts
Regula Waser
Ordinary Committee Member Nicholas Fosbery (Foz) Jennifer Hollingworth


Lucy House


Ordinary Committee Member Lissa Spencer


Lani Roberts Serge Leroyer


All Positions were passed by the Group.

Serge Moved to remove 2 Signatories (Coralie Cooper and Liana Roberts) and to add Regula Waser as a signatory and to apply for a debit card for the Treasurers use. Seconded by Lissa Spencer

Other discussion:

Payments – Regula wanted clarification on process for payment of expenses. Send an email out to the committee to get approval before spending.

Email List and Website – Serge asked George about an email address and contact form for the WordPress site. This is not in place yet. Serge Moved – that all email communication be coming from WordPress and not Wendy’s email. Seconded by Renee.

Wendy is reluctant to hand over the list due to the privacy and trust issues, so she will send an email to her list to announce the migration over to WordPress and if they don’t want to have their email given to the web administrator then they need to respond accordingly. Wendy asked George to advise her on wording of email and she will send it out. Roxy mentioned that she would prefer to get an email, rather than go to the website looking for information. Lucy suggested that an email could be sent directing people to the discussion points on the site.

Garden Show at Nambour – 7-9 July. Parking can be a problem. Serge suggested hiring a bus. Train is also a possibility.

Cheese workshop – Pete said that Elizabeth Fekonia was hosting a cheese making workshop soon.

Seed Sowing Workshop – Regula hosted a workshop with Anne Gibson as presenter to make pots and plant seeds for the off grid expo. 140 banana pots were made then and then Lucy and Regula got together to make another 50. Lucy did another 20. More will need to be done next month and some are already growing so may need to be planted sooner. Foz suggested selling these at the Mothar Mountain market.

Meeting Closed 7.00pm

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