Group Meeting – May 2024

Committee Meeting held prior to the group meeting, mostly focussed on the preparations for our stall at the Sustainable Futures Festival in June (23rd) and the Off Grid Expo in August (3rd and 4th). We will need volunteers to man the stall at both these. A roster form will be passed around at the next […]

Group Meeting – April 2024

Prior to the group meeting, we held a very short committee meeting. Items discussed: The group meeting was interesting as usual, with a common problem of grass/weed growth and wet conditions…..ahh, but what’s better, too wet or too dry??? Lucy (me) has been busy planting onion, tomato and brassica seedlings. I also picked up a […]

Permie News

Recently we held a committee meeting. The full committee couldn’t make it, but 5 of us got together and had a lunch and meeting, which was a fun way to do it. We discussed many things, which we’ll follow up on with the wider group at the next Art Gallery Meeting on Monday the 2nd […]

An AI essay on Permaculture

My son was telling me about his AI (Aritficial Intelligence) assistant – he usually gets stories written that he can read to his children. He asked me what I’d like a story about, so I said I’d like an essay on Permaculture. This is the response, and I thought it was quite good and perhaps […]

What’s Happening

Contributor: Pete Menlo After our last group group meeting I was asked to include some things about what was happening (courses etc) as it is easier to read some things than to just hear it in passing So here goes: Soil Restoration Course Dr .Sandra Tuszynska (a soil microbiologist and mycologist) is offering the Soil […]

Ethics of Permaculture – 1

Permaculture has three core ethics that can be used as a guiding force in all aspects of your lifestyle. The following is a re-post from . This is actually my personal blog and it’s the first in a series of posts about the ethics and the principles of Permaculture. Some readers here might be […]

Guest Post – Grafted Passionfruit

By Pete Menlo Grafted passionfruit is the norm in southern, more temperate climates because of disease problems, but that is less of a problem in the subtropics, where it is best to grow from seed. The stock used for grafting is usually a wild passionfruit, also sometimes known as Blue Passionfruit (I think that is […]

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