What’s Happening

Contributor: Pete Menlo After our last group group meeting I was asked to include some things about what was happening (courses etc) as it is easier to read some things than to just hear it in passing So here goes: Soil Restoration Course Dr .Sandra Tuszynska (a soil microbiologist and mycologist) is offering the Soil […]

Group Gathering – 3 April, 2023

Another informative gathering was held at the Art Gallery, with few newcomers to the group, which was great to see. The gathering always starts with the Harvest Swap and this one was overflowing with strawberry runners and sweet potato slips – which was handy as it’s a good time to plant both. Fruit, veg and […]

Ethics of Permaculture – 1

Permaculture has three core ethics that can be used as a guiding force in all aspects of your lifestyle. The following is a re-post from https://healthyfarminghealthyfood.blogspot.com/ . This is actually my personal blog and it’s the first in a series of posts about the ethics and the principles of Permaculture. Some readers here might be […]

Guest Post – Grafted Passionfruit

By Pete Menlo Grafted passionfruit is the norm in southern, more temperate climates because of disease problems, but that is less of a problem in the subtropics, where it is best to grow from seed. The stock used for grafting is usually a wild passionfruit, also sometimes known as Blue Passionfruit (I think that is […]

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