Group Meeting – September 2024

The get together started out with a brief committee meeting. We are hoping to organise an outing to a farm out Kilkivan way where it’s been regenerated using native flowering plants – see the photos at the bottom of this post. More information on this will be sent out this week. If you’re interested, it’ll […]

AGM – 4th August 2024

Our recent AGM was supported by a small group of enthusiastic permies. The Management Committee is mostly unchanged, however we have a few more general committee members and a change in format for the Events Co-ordinator role, which has now changed to a small sub-committee. We also decided to trial a change in day and […]

Kendall Farm Visit

Last weekend, a few members of the Permaculture group braved the wet weather to go on a farm walk at an established Permaculture farm owned by Tom and Will Kendall from PermEco. You can find them here: This is a farm that Tom has been living on and turning into one of the best […]

Group Meeting – July 2024

Our committee meeting was held before the group meeting. Some of the discussion points of interest were: There was quite a good number of people who braved a drizzly, cool night to come along to the meeting. Plenty of plants and veg at the harvest swap too! Lani has plenty of cassava if anyone wants […]

Group Meeting – May 2024

Committee Meeting held prior to the group meeting, mostly focussed on the preparations for our stall at the Sustainable Futures Festival in June (23rd) and the Off Grid Expo in August (3rd and 4th). We will need volunteers to man the stall at both these. A roster form will be passed around at the next […]

Group Meeting – April 2024

Prior to the group meeting, we held a very short committee meeting. Items discussed: The group meeting was interesting as usual, with a common problem of grass/weed growth and wet conditions…..ahh, but what’s better, too wet or too dry??? Lucy (me) has been busy planting onion, tomato and brassica seedlings. I also picked up a […]

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