AGM – 4th August 2024

Our recent AGM was supported by a small group of enthusiastic permies. The Management Committee is mostly unchanged, however we have a few more general committee members and a change in format for the Events Co-ordinator role, which has now changed to a small sub-committee. We also decided to trial a change in day and time for our monthly get-together.

Convenor/Chair: Renee Eliott

Treasurer: Regula Waser Assistant Treasurer: Renee

Secretary: Lucy House

Events Committee: Foz, Damien, Lani, Narayana and Lucy

Seed Saver Co-ordinator: Serge Leroyer

Web Administrator: Serge Leroyer Assistant Web Administrator: George Salisbury

Ordinary Committee Members: Lissa, Melinda, Jim, Eli and Florence

Change in Monthly Meeting: We will trial a change for the remainder of this year.

3rd Sunday of each Month (starting 18th August)

1pm for a shared lunch – this month we will fire up the Pizza Oven for pizzas supplied by the Permaculture Group

2pm Harvest Swap and Meeting Start. The meeting will finish in time for people to get home in daylight.

Other Discussion Held:

Yvonne from Landcare will give a talk on Worm Farming – further information to follow (in an email) regarding the date and time.

Permie Blitz – should we do these? Is anyone needing/wanting help to establish a permaculture design and planting?

Farm/Garden walks – it would be good to get some people to put their hand up to host a walk – this could be someone showing an established garden, or someone who wants to establish a permaculture garden and would like some suggestions/advice.

The permaculture group has been going for many years in the Gympie Region and like all groups, it changes it’s dynamic from time to time based on the input from its members. I (Lucy) am only relatively new to the group and have heard from many people how wonderful it was in the early days. I can’t speak for that, but I do know that I have made some good friends through the group and would like to continue a positive growth in the group. This is one of the drivers for a change in day and time, as several people have said that this would suit them better. We come from diverse backgrounds and circumstances, with a one common interest – Permaculture. In my view, Permaculture is more about lifestyle than gardening and living in a way that will ensure our world is a better place for our children and grandchildren. So please come along to support our change in day and venue.

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