Resilient Farms and Family

Resilient Farms and Families

Saturday  31 August 2024

Conversations on future-proofing your property, farm sharing, regenerative farming and food security in a changing world

Who is it for?

Anyone with a property (400 m2 to 400 acres) they would like to make more food productive while reducing dependence on expensive chemical fertilisers and pesticides.

Or anyone interested in investing as a co-owner in a regenerative share farm / commercial organic farm with possibilities for living there & running part of it.


  • Welcome & “Quick get to know why you are here. What’s your interest?” – 10 minutes
  • Quick “Big Picture intro” to a changing world – 10 minutes
  • Farm Resilience Network intro – 10 minutes
  • Regenerative Farm Share intro – 10 minutes
  • The Lighthouse Regenerative Farm – Introduction to an existing Syntropic farm & Building a Food Bank in your Backyard no matter the size – 10 minutes

After that you choose the circle that interests you most and we get more into what we are proposing, your ideas, your questions, and Next Steps.

Focus Circles:

  1. Farm Resilience Network & Strategies
  2. Regenerative Farm Share – proposal
  3. Lighthouse Regenerative Farm & food banks

1.30 – 4.15 PM  Saturday  31 August 2024

“The Blue House”, Yandina Community Gardens,
41 Farrell St, Yandina (corner of Farrell and North Street)

Please RSVP by a quick email to [email protected] … just so we know how many are coming.


The event is finished.


Aug 31 2024


1:30 pm - 4:15 pm

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