Dogbane Plant Profile

Dogbane Plant Profile

Dogbane is one of my most used plants. Dogbane – Coleus canina or Plectranthus caninus (P. caninus) is also known as Scat, Scaredy cat, Scaredy plant, Cat repellent plant, Dogs be gone coleus, Coleus canina, Piss-off plant and Coleus spicatus. A clue to some of its uses! It’s so multi-functional and one of those plants that earns its tenure in a Permaculture garden as a problem-fixer. I’ve shared a plant profile with its diverse uses (see attached) to open up the possibilities for weed and pest management, ground covers, mulching, composting, companion planting, hedging and bee forage.

It is related to Mother of Herbs – Plectranthus amboinicus and I often grow them together. I’d love to know if you grow it and how you use it too.



The Micro Gardener

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